Words From Faculty

Dear students, you may have heard too much words of encourage such as go for it, work hard, you can. I just want to tell you when you can't reach your goal, let it go and start over.

Xiaoshuo Zhao   

Dear students, every time I see you, I can feel your vigor which makes me happy. I hope you keep learning and make progress every day!

Jinfeng Chen   

During interactions with my students, I gradually got to know them and myself better. Students’ strengths amazed me while their weaknesses spurred me to becoming a more responsible teacher. Also, I found my own shortcomings through self-reflection. I hope we can improve ourselves together in our school and shape each other into better members of this loving community.

Yanjing Li   

It is great to meet you all in your best years. I’m not just a teacher but your friend. As your teacher, I am willing to be your guide on the way to becoming your better selves; as a friend, I am willing to be your listener when you encounter failures and setbacks. Go for it! May you all get your best offers!

Tingting Ma   

I hope that in the future you can have the opportunity to do what our society needs, what makes people around you happy, what you like to do, and what you are good at doing. Most importantly, you need to find something that encapsulates them all.

Zaozao He   

My dear students, I wish each of you to be forever embraced by love and be forever able to give love, and I wish you a life of happiness and satisfaction.

Jinghui Gao   

A kind smile and a word of encouragement will inadvertently bring good results in the future. No matter what we are going through, always be kind.

Lin Qin   

Dear students, I hope you understand that you need to work hard to realize your dreams. Your daily efforts will lead you to success.

Xiaomeng Liu   

BQHZI is a family. Ever since joining the faculty of this school, I've been excited to come everyday and engage with students on a personal level. This familial level of respect helps build confident and strong students who are ready to tackle the aspects of university life. As students take on AP level courses, they are supported by the trust of teachers who have their back and a steady curriculum expanding their minds towards a higher level of education. BQZHI is an excellent school where the students are our pride and success is soon to come. 

Sean Gibson   

A dynamic campus not only needs academics, but also needs sports. Let’s exercise. Have a more positive attitude towards life.

Changlong Ma   

My dear students, over the short course of your life, with a can-do mindset, your inner resources could power you to wherever your heart may take you, no matter how far away that might be. Your biggest enemy is no other but yourself.

Jinyu Liu   

You’ll reap what you sowed, and so is the cultivation of your English language skills. Having each English word and expression sown, watered and nurtured with your whole heart, in due time, you will have the flowers. 

Lei Wang   

My dear students, we should choose to do the right thing and keep on doing it, and I assure you that time will reward you. Success never comes automatically, but the efforts you pay every day will lead you there.  

Lei Zhao   

Before you sleep, ask yourself these three questions: Did I accomplish my learning goals today? Am I being kind to others today? What exercise did I do today?

Sifan Chen   

Your excellent school performances make strong recommendation letters from your subject teachers, and your careful observation and deep reflection of your own life make compelling application essays. Come on, boys and girls! Your dream schools are just waiting ahead!

Chunguang Liu   

Self-discipline pays. Start each semester with the end in mind, and work diligently towards this end. Before long you’ll reap fun and a thrilling sense of self-fulfillment. 

Aiping Cheng   

As the saying goes, “time waits for no one”. My dear students, how I wish I could bring home to you the message that your formative high school years will forever be the most memorable part of your life.

Jiangyingzi Xv   

Thank you for being one of the most important parts of my life! I wish you a happy life in the beautiful campus. May all your dreams come true!

Youchao Ma   

My dear students, how I wish to see your smile on campus each day as you race to chase the goals you set for yourself. Stay kind and grow yourself towards the sun in your mind’s eye day by day.

Dandan Song   

My dear students, how fortunate it is for me to be part of your formative years! I hope your youth will be well spent, where you propel your dreams into the realm of reality through passion and perseverance.

Haiyan Sun   

Dear students, youth is a time when we meet on this beautiful campus in our best years. Work hard together for our common pursuits!

Xiaohong Lai   

Wish each of you a most unforgettable memory of high school days, where you would have learned and lived to the best of your abilities, and without the least bit of regret. 

Yuqing Qiao   
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