Technology & Art Program

Program Introduction

This program is specially designed for students who aspire to majors that combine science and art in top-tier colleges in the world. It features an integrated curriculum comprising, besides regular curriculum, the following areas: Graphic Design, Narrative Illustration, Expressive Drawing, Modeling Ability and portfolio preparation. The instruction is conducted in the STEAM mode aiming to prepare our students with the artistic and language proficiency to take on their academic pursuits at the tertiary level. 

Faculty and Staff

Verified by BTEC, all courses are guided by professors from top art colleges or universities around the globe. All core faculty members graduated from overseas prestigious art institutions with rich experience and international credentials in the field of art education. 

Six most popular science and arts majors

01、Visual Communication、Graphic Design、Interface Design、Information / Data Visualization Design

02、Automobile Design、Vehicle Design、Industrial Design

03、Product Design、Interaction Design

04、Architecture、Landscape、Urban Planning、Interior Design

05、Digital Media、 Visual effects、3D Animation、Film and Television Production

06、Entertainment Design、Illustration、Game Design

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